If you have followed the hire agreement to the letter and you feel that the village hall or there trustees falls short ,this complaints policy should be followed.
Hopwood Village Hall Complaints Policy
This document aims to help you understand the complaints procedure managed by
Hopwood Village Hall Committee.
What can you complain about?
If you think we have failed to provide a satisfactory standard of service, please let us know.
Your complaint may be about the quality of the facilities, safety of the users, the handling
of a particular situation or issue or any other matter. We are committed to equal
opportunities and take complaints about discrimination very seriously.
Who will deal with your complaint?
All complaints should be sent to the Chairman who will address the issue and respond in
writing. If you are not happy with the response, then you will be invited to address your
complaint to the whole committee, who will listen to your concerns, consider the issues
and whether consequent actions were appropriate. The committee will then decide on
any further actions.
We will take every complaint seriously and we will treat everyone who complains with
respect and courtesy.
When will you hear from us?
We will let you know that we have received your complaint within ten working days. We will
write to you or telephone you.
In most cases you will receive a full written response to your complaint within twenty
working days. If we cannot give a full reply in this time, we will write to you and let you
know why and how we are dealing with your complaint.
If the complaint is complex, we aim to let you have a full reply within twenty-five working
Any safety concerns that would endanger a Village Hall user would be dealt with
immediately notice is received.
Please use this form to make your complaint, but if you prefer you can write a letter or
1. Name and Organization (if applicable):
2. Address (including post code):
3. Telephone: E-mail:
4. Tell us about your complaint, clearly outlining:
5a. Why are you not satisfied?
5b. What do you want us to do to put things right?
5. Have you tried to resolve your complaint before?
If “yes”, when? If “yes”, how?
6. Any other comments?
Print name ………………………………………………………….
Organization (If applicable)………………………………………..